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LubeAlloy produces a range of chemicals and supplements for use around lubricants and industrial machinery. All of our chemical products are designed to perform under the most strenuous of applications or provide the highest performance possible.
LA 514 Diesel Fuel Conditioner
LA 514 is a concentrated ashless formula for the performance improvement in diesel engines of heavy transport, civil construction, mining, agricultural, SUV’s, 4WD and passenger vehicles operating on combustion cycle diesel engines. Offers the latest technology additives that improve diesel fuel stability to prevent oxidation, formation of gums and deposits to protect fuel filters and injector pintles to maintain consistent flow rates and spray pattern.
Bulk Storage: 1litre to every 5,000 - 10,000 litres | Shot in the tank: 50 ml to every 100 to 500 litre
*Suitable for use with petrol fuels
LA 533 Supreme Oil Conditioner
LA 533 is not an additive but an oil conditioner. As additives are added to the base oil in production to meet API and ACEA standards, after-market resellers promote additives to boost the performance of lubricants. The additives, in the form of PTFE, sulphurous and phosphorous chemistry, are sold into the marketplace to boost engine oil performance. The performance that is required from additives is short-term compared to the life of a combustible engine.
Gasoline engines: 400 ml to 5 litres | Differentials: 1 litre to 20-25 litres | Diesel and Turbo engines: 1 litre to 30-40 litres | Hydraulic systems: 1 litre to 30 litres | Straight Gear box: 600 ml to 20 litres
LA 519 Silicon Spray
LA5 519 food graded Silicone spray lubricant is a multi-purpose, inert, colourless silicone-based lubricant formulated to reduce friction between surfaces providing protection, lubrication and smooth surface to surface contact. LA 519’s proprietary synthetic formula is safe for use on metal, rubber, wood, and vinyl. It can protect electrical parts and can be used in wet environments and marine applications.
All ingredients are NSF H2 registered making it safe for use in food-related environments.
LA 536 Anti Brake, Anti Sqwark, Anti-shudder fluid
LA 536 Anti-Brake – Anti-Shudder has been chemically developed to address squawk and shudder in wet clutch plate braking systems, gear and transmissions, and self-driven hubs of agricultural and civil construction tractor machinery.
LA 536 is a concentrated blend of petrochemical products, which contain no suspended solids. Being 100% petroleum based product, it blends completely, and is fully compatible with both mineral and synthetic oils.
For use in wet brakes: 120ml-250ml | Transfer Cases: 180ml-250ml | Manual Transmissions: 250ml | Positrac Differential Gears and Sun Gears: 250ml | Hydraulic Systems: 80ml
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