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LAPSUS™ Series –Slide-way Oils
LubeAlloy LAPSUS™ Series are premium-quality slide-way oils formulated to provide exceptional frictional properties to reduce friction and drag, stick slip and machine tool chatter on a wide variety of materials, including cast iron, steel-on-steel and steel-on-polymer.
Equipment protection of precision metal cutting lathe machinery.
Machining accuracy for lubrication of linear guides, translating screws, ball screws, and lathe headstocks
Reduced deteriorating wear on sliding surfaces
Separability from water and aqueous coolants reducing cross-contamination
LubeAlloy LAPSUS™ Series are suitable for use where Fives Cincinnati specifications P47, P50 and P53 are applicable.
LubeAlloy LAPSUS™ Series are formulated from the PARA-SYN™ series of base oils with slip modifiers, AW/EP additives, anti-rust and corrosion additives.
LAPSUS™ Light – ISO 32 and ISO 68
Recommended for horizontal slide-ways on small to medium metal cutting lathe machine tools
The LAPSUS™ Series provides;
LAPSUS™ Heavy – ISO 150 and ISO 220
Recommended for large metal cutting lathe machine where slide pressures are elevated and detailed precision is required and when vertical and inclined slide-ways where drip down can be problematic.
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